2021 AAAP Virtual Annual Meeting Awards Recipients

2021 AAAP Virtual Annual Meeting Awards Recipients


American Association of Avian Pathologists Inc. Virtual Annual Meeting, July 30-August 2, 2021. A recording of the Awards presentation is available to meeting registrants on the virtual site. 

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2021 AAAP Silent Auction Results

2021 AAAP Silent Auction Results

The Foundation Development Committee would like to thank all of you who donated and bid on items in our recent 2021 AAAP Silent Auction. We were able to raise $4845.00, which will go to fund AAAP scholarship and preceptorship awards. We appreciate your continued generosity in our efforts to support our poultry students and future colleagues. Stay tuned for future announcements about our plans for the 2022 AAAP Silent Auction and Raffle!

2021 AAAP Raffle

2021 AAAP Raffle is Now Open!

We are happy to announce the continuation of the AAAP annual meeting raffle. We would like to thank IDEXX and Biocheck for donating our 2021 raffle prizes.

Purchase Raffle Tickets 

Apple AirPod Pro: Sponsored by IDEXX
The latest and greatest AirPod’s from Apple with noise cancellation! This is the white model and comes with a wireless charging case.

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2021 AAAP Election Results

2021 AAAP Election Results

We are pleased to announce the results of this year’s American Association of Avian Pathologist election.  

AAAP Director: Naola Ferguson-Noel (2021-2025)
AAAP Director: Simone Stoute (2021-2025)
AAAP Student Director: Ashley Hallowell (2021-2022)
AAAP President-Elect: Rocio Crespo (2021-2024)
AAAP Executive Vice President: Suzanne Dougherty (2021-2026)

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AABP Podcast - Have You Herd?

AABP Podcast - Have You Herd?

Have You Herd? is brought to you by the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, an international association of cattle veterinarians and veterinary students dedicated to the health, productivity and welfare of cattle. Their most recent podcast features our very own Executive Vice President, Dr. Suzanne Dougherty. In the podcast, Dougherty shares information on the poultry industry while going in depth on animal welfare and antimicrobial stewardship efforts. Listen to the full episode at the link below and check out more of AABP's Podcast - Have You Herd? as they are interviewing different food animal veterinarians. 

Poultry Veterinary Medicine with Dr. Suzanne Dougherty from AAAP

AAAP Call for Nominations

AAAP Nominations Committee's Slate of Candidates and Call for Further Nominations

Nominations can be Submitted Here
Deadline for Nominations is May 28, 2021.

The AAAP Nominations Committee has nominated the following for positions on the AAAP Board of Directors. A brief biography of each candidate can be found here.   


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Registration is now open for the 2021 AAAP Virtual Annual Meeting

Registration is now open for the 
2021 AAAP Virtual Annual Meeting

The 2021 AAAP Annual Meeting will be fully virtual. The meeting will consist of Pre-Recorded Sessions and Live Sessions. Pre-Recorded Presentations will be available to view on July 1st through August 30th. Live Sessions including Q&A sessions with the speakers, the Keynote Roundtable, History Lecture, and more will be held on July 30-August 2. Committee meetings will be held as outlined in the schedule below. CE credits will be available to those who register view the presentations. 
Registration is separate from AVMA. Speakers do not need to register.
Registration Fees:
AAAP members $150
Non-Member Attendees $195
AAAP Student Members $25

Matching Donation Challenge for the H. John Barnes Scholarship

Matching Donation Challenge for the H. John Barnes Scholarship

Dear AAAP Members,

The AAAP Foundation Development Committee would like to let you know about a matching donation challenge for the H. John Barnes scholarship!  In an effort to reach the $40,000 needed to fully fund the Barnes scholarship, we have a generous donor who is willing to match any donations made to the Barnes scholarship, up to a maximum amount of $2,000.00.  The deadline for this matching challenge will be June 1st.  To make a donation to the Barnes Scholarship, you can mail a check to the AAAP office, or donate online at Please make sure that you designate your donation to go to the H. John Barnes scholarship.  All donations are tax deductible and go towards qualifying donors for inclusion into the AAAP Foundation Guilds.  Any donations made to the Barnes scholarship between now and June 1st will be credited towards this challenge, so don't delay!  Thank you!

2021 AAAP Meeting Update

2021 AAAP Meeting Update

The AVMA has elected to move the 2021 convention fully online. This was done to ensure the safety of all participants. With this being said, AAAP will be moving to a virtual format as well. We all had hoped to be back face to face this year in Minneapolis however, the safety of our membership is our first priority. AAAP expects to have a similar virtual annual meeting format to last year. Registration for the AAAP 2021 Virtual Meeting will be separate from the AVMA Convention registration. Please stay tuned for more details.

If you have any questions or conference please feel free to contact [email protected]

AAAP is Seeking Nominations for AAAP's Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates

AAAP is Seeking Nominations for AAAP's Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates

Nominations can be Submitted Here. Deadline for nominations is April 15, 2021.


The AVMA House of Delegates is the principal body within the AVMA responsible for establishing policy and providing direction for matters relating to veterinary medicine. It is also the representative body of the Principal and Constituent Allied Veterinary Organizations of the AVMA. AAAP is a Constituent Allied Veterinary Organization to the AVMA. The House of Delegates a. Approves all changes to the AVMA’s Articles of Incorporation; b. Amends, alters, or repeals the AVMA Bylaws; c. Approves all changes to the Veterinarian’s Oath; d. Votes on all matters properly brought before the House of Delegates; e. Solicits, processes, and communicates membership needs to the AVMA Board of Directors; f. Participates in the AVMA’s strategic planning; g. Elects members to serve on the AVMA’s councils, with the exception of the Council on Education; h. Elects the AVMA President-Elect and Vice President, and, when necessary, President; and i. Elects members to the committees established by the House of Delegates. AAAP is an allied constituent organization to the AVMA. As such, AAAP’s representation in the House of Delegates consists of one delegate and one alternate delegate.

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AAAP announces a new Slide Study Set

AAAP announces a new Slide Study Set

The American Association of Avian Pathologists is pleased to announce the release of one new Slide Study Set.  

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AAAP Announces New Website Features

AAAP Website Navigation Rework

We are please to announce that the AAAP website’s navigation has been tweaked to allow easier access to important functions. We have also made updates to many of the website’s pages and added in new features.

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