A.S. "Rosy" Rosenwald Student Poster Award


Dr. Arnold S. "Rosy" Rosenwald received his veterinary degree from Kansas State University in 1936 and took his first professional position at the Department of Veterinary Medicine in Oregon State University where he introduced students to the "basics" of avian medicine. In 1946, Rosy became the first Poultry Extension Veterinarian at the University of California, spending the first 4 years in Berkeley and his subsequent years in Davis until his retirement in 1975. Rosy is a chartered and life member of AAAP, serving as AAAP president in 1968-69, and as editor of Avian Diseases from 1961-65. In 1951, Rosy, along with a small group of veterinarians, began the Western Poultry Disease Conference, which has developed into one of the leading international meetings on avian diseases. He has built close ties with international colleagues, in particular those in Mexico, and Central and South America, and is a true ambassador of good will. Rosy's contributions to the poultry industry are numerous, but most important is his unique ability to communicate and extend knowledge. In recognition of Rosy's efforts to advance avian medicine with students, in 2000, the AAAP initiated the A.S. "Rosy" Rosenwald Student Poster award which is to be presented to the best student poster at each annual meeting.

The area of study and research should clearly involve some aspect of poultry health or disease. All student posters are judged by the AAAP Awards Committee on the basis of scientific content and clarity of presentation.

The Awards Committee, with approval from the AAAP Board of Directors, has divided the topics of student posters into Applied Research and Basic Research categories to acknowledge the diversity of research these students perform.

Qualification Criteria:

Candidates must be graduate students who are enrolled in a DVM or its equivalent program, a Master of Science program or a Ph. D. Program, or have received the degree within the year preceding the Annual Meeting of the AAAP. The area of study and research should clearly involve some aspect of poultry health or disease. The major professor or at least one member of the student's graduate committee should be a member in good standing of AAAP.  Posters are judged by the AAAP Awards Committee on the basis of scientific content or clinical relevance, and clarity of presentation.   Posters are not written papers.  Presenters should attempt to convey the purpose, methods, results and discussion to the viewer in a short (2 to 5 minute) viewing.

The award is competitive and will consist of $200.

A.S. "Rosy" Rosenwald Student Poster Award Winners


Lucia Garcia-Camacho
Timothy J. Johnson and Juan Rodriguez-Lecompte
Pratik Singh
Nobuko Wakamatsu
Taradon Luangtongkum
Michele N. Maughan
Hadi Yassine
Leyi Wang
Antonio Morales and Il-Hwan Kim
Aline R. Reis and Sachin Kumar
Ha-Na Youn and Rodrigo Gallardo
Sarah Tilley and Thomas Denagamage
Victor A. Palomino and Nasassja Ortega-Hinley
Natalie Armour and Michelle Farrar
Jin Young Noh and Soo-Won Choi
Matthew Moreau and Blanca Lopez De Juan Abad
Emily Aston and William Shaw
Gabriela Beltran and Claire-Sophie Rimet
Theodore Derksen and Sofia Egana
Victor A Palomino-Tapia and Blanca Lopez de Juan Abad
Victor Palomino-Tapia and Mohammadreza Ehsan
Allison Boone and Claudia Carranza
Guanchen Liu
Emily Cason and Nicolas Gaide
Camila Cuadrado and Klao Runcharoon