Become a Member of the AAAP

Full Member - $220 per year
Must be (a) a permanent resident of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean Islands (b) Be a graduate of a veterinary college, if you are a USA resident, you must be a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
Associate Member - $220 per year
Veterinarians who are U.S. residents but not members of the AVMA, and persons in any country who have not earned a professional degree in veterinary medicine from a school or college of veterinary medicine and who are engaged in some phase of poultry health.
Student Member - $20 per year
A person enrolled in a veterinary medical degree program or a graduate student without a veterinary medical degree who is working on a problem related to avian health.

Access to read the Avian Diseases Journal |
Professional Awards |
Ability to publish pieces in the Avian Diseases Journal |
Travel Awards |
Access to purchase self-paced poultry continuing education courses |
Student Scholarship Opportunities |
Members-only opportunity to submit abstracts to present at the annual meeting |
Networking Opportunities |
Member discount on Annual Meeting registration fee |
Member discount on webinars |
Volunteer involvements in a variety of scientific, task-oriented, and charitable committees |
10% member discount at the AAAP bookstore |
Access to the member-only job board tool for employees and employers |
Professional distinction |