Morris S. Cover AAAP Hall of Honor
Dr. Cover was born in 1916 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He received his veterinary degree, a VMD, from the University of Pennsylvania in 1938; an M.S. degree from Kansas State University; and a Ph.D. degree in avian pathology from the University of Illinois.
Dr. Cover worked as a poultry pathologist at the University of Delaware from 1952 to 1959, and then served as chairman of the Department of Animal and Poultry Science from 1959 to 1967. He was named Director of Veterinary Services and Regulatory Compliance for Ralston Purina Co. in 1967, with a specialization in food safety. He retired in 1985 but served as a consultant for Ralston Purina until 1992. During retirement, he also consulted for the US Poultry and Egg Association as its first research coordinator and was recognized by the association for his lifelong commitment to the poultry industry as follows:
“In gratitude for the excellent work and the role Dr. Cover has played in our research program. Research will continue to be vital in finding solutions to the challenges that confront our industry, and in appreciation for Dr. Cover’s personal involvement and his professional contribution to our research efforts on behalf of the total industry and SOUTHEASTERN.”
Today, the USPEA Research program has grown to a current investment of $3.1 million in current active projects.
He was a recognized expert in regulatory processes, industrial management, and research administration. In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration/Center for Veterinary Medicine honored Dr. Cover with the Commissioner’s Special Citation for his work with avian diseases.
Dr. Cover, a life member of the American Association of Avian Pathologists, served as the organization’s first secretary-treasurer from 1958 to 1961 and was a recipient of the Special Service Award. During retirement, he served as the first chair of the U.S. Animal Health Association’s Feed Safety Committee. He was active with the Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc. on the Poultry Health Committee, the Emergency Poultry Health Task Force, and the National Meeting on Poultry Health and Processing. The Delmarva Poultry Industry presented him with its Medal of Achievement in 1965. Dr. Cover was an honor roll member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and a member of the Animal Protein Producers Industry and many other veterinary industry organizations. Dr. Cover was awarded honorary diplomate status in the American College of Poultry Veterinarians.
Dr. Morris S. Cover died January 28, 2003. A son, Chuck a research chemist for DuPont, and a daughter, Wende, survived him. It is clear that all the industry and organization positions he filled were carried out with the highest merit. The number of citations and recognitions listed attest to that.