Small Flock Committee

Mission Statement

The Small Flock Committee is currently tasked with defining and developing the role of the AAAP in relationship to non-commercial and small flock poultry medicine. The goal is to provide our veterinary colleagues, both poultry and non-poultry, with a credible information resource and pool of technical expertise for all small flock poultry health-related issues. 

Committee Composition 

All positions (Chair, Chair Elect & members) are for a defined term of 2 years. Members are asked to affirm their commitment to the committee each year. Self-nominated new members are added upon formal request to the Chair and subsequent approval of the President. Following discussion with the committee members, the Chair identifies the Chair Elect and then solicits approval from the AAAP President. The Chair Elect functions as a co-Chair during their tenure until the Chair steps down after 2 years. The Past Chair is encouraged to continue as a committee member and may be re-appointed as Chair Elect. 

There is no specific core committee as all members are encouraged to contribute to the various committee tasks. Specific tasks with defined objectives are developed by the Chair and task leaders with the appropriate skill set and interest are identified from within the committee. 


Small Flock Committee Members Page
Small Flock Committee Forum

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